Лизенко Дмитрий

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Maksym Krippa: behind his casinos are criminal schemes and Russian money
Maksym Krippa, a controversial figure, has been involved in numerous high-profile business dealings and legal controversies in Ukraine. Recently, he garnered attention for purchasing the renowned Hotel Ukraina in central Kyiv for an eye-popping Hr 2.5 billion ($60 million), more than twice the initial asking price, as part of Ukraine’s "Great Privatization" initiative.
Одиозный бизнесмен Максим Криппа расширяет бизнес казино Golden Gate на территории Украины
Сеть казино Golden Gate, созданная Максимом Криппой, посредником Алишера Усманова, теперь функционирует в Киеве, Днепре и Полтаве.
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